Wednesday, December 07, 2005


SO! I was getting bored at the store during the "quiet moments" and figured such moments could be put to good use occupying myself with things that I love. In a word: Books! I LOVE stories. I love reading. I love being read to (though it usually puts me to sleep). There's a world of information and entertainment out there and I'm enjoying perusing the options.

But why do it alone? I know that there are quite a few of my friends out there that love to read, and therefore I thought it might be a good idea to include you guys so that we may spur each other on to greater reading heights! Oh yes, my friends, come and join me (just for the fun of it)!

The idea is this: We take turns selecting books for each week of the year 2006. I refuse to commit for more time than that! But it should be a good year.

January's picks are already set in stone, as selected by friends at my regular blog site.

January's book are as follows:

1. The Iliad, by Homer;
2. Murder Must Advertise, by Dorothy Sayers;
3. Asterix the Gaul, by Goschinny & Uderzo; and
4. The Collected Works of Flannery O'Conner (Library of America copy).

I am electing myself to choose 2 of February's books and I am looking for a person to join me in making the other 2 selections. In March, two other people will be selected to choose that month's reading list and so on and so forth through December, 2006.

If you are game, leave a comment or drop me an e-mail!

I know it might not be possible for each of you to read a book or week. That's just fine! Please don't avoid involvement for lack of time. Just join in when you can, or take a suggestion of one of the contributors and read at your own pace! Just -- READ!


At 12:04 PM, Blogger Rose said...

This is GREAT! Ever since I left Virginia I have been dearly missing my book tea. Of course, the food was half the fun of it, but it will be splendid to have a group of friends to hash over books with. Count me in!

At 12:08 PM, Blogger "Nick" said...

I don't know about reading a book each week... doubt that will happen but.. I will try to read the Illiad (a documentary just peaked my interest in it).

I will suggest two books for February... on is in a comment on your other site... East of Eden by John Steinbeck. Great book and a classic of American liturature.

My second choice is The Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T.E. Lawrence. Very interesting, rip roaring and insightful look at the war in Arabia against the Turks.

Take one or both. Both are fairly long so... maybe one for March?

At 12:12 PM, Blogger Sky said...

I didn't think anyone else had ever read T.E. Lawrence. I wish had the kind of friends Carrie has! I am excited to see new vistas and to visit old friends. Last time I joined a book group it was a random online one that discussed Elizabeth Peters' books. I was accused of thinking too much. Oh bother!

At 1:37 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

I know it! I was part of a book club in TX with the girls from my church. Every month we would take turns selecting one book and we'd meet after reading it together. We attempted to keep it up via e-mail after we had all moved away, but it rather fell apart. Blogs are so convenient! =)

So I would vote we take Will's suggestion of East of Eden for Feb. I'm not opposed. Rose, Sky? Game?

Thanks for joining! Very fun!

At 5:15 PM, Blogger Sky said...

Affirmative! Coolness!

At 6:31 PM, Blogger "Nick" said...

It will be interesting to see your respective reactions to it:) Glad to help...

Now on to the Illiad...

At 10:29 AM, Blogger Rose said...

Oaky, I'm game! This will be illuminating, at the least, and should prove to be educational as I'm already predisposed to dislike Steinbeck. =) We shall see!

At 10:41 AM, Blogger "Nick" said...

I think, if you get past your predisposition... you will find something you never thought would be there...

But I shall refrain from comment till February!

At 11:56 AM, Blogger Queen of Carrots said...

I think I'll give the Illiad a go, as I keep wanting to read the whole thing and actually have it on hand. A book a month is about all I think I can attempt, though.


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