Wednesday, December 05, 2007

God's Smuggler, by Brother Andrew

This is a Must Read book for any Christian. You want to talk about living the Christian life, wholeheartedly devoted and trusting in God for every single thing? This is a man who lived it and did it. Brother Andrew was born in Holland in 1929 and, as far as I can figure, is still alive. (Maybe LT can enlighten us a bit more on his whereabouts and activities now?) LT suggested this book as Brother Andrew began a mission smuggling Bibles into communist countries, which is a topic near and dear to her heart.

BTW, Brother Andrew calls himself such in part because it was safer for him to drop his last name, enabling him to continue his work with more anonymity. I don't really get into the "brother/sister so-and-so" stuff myself, but I can see why he would choose to be titled as such.)

I really don't to spend a lot of time focusing on the book or his particular story because I think this is one that you just need to read. I will, however, say this much: God used the story of Brother Andrew's life to reveal to me that I am not living wholly devoted. I trust far more in myself and my own abilities to carry the day, than I do in God. I think of my life in terms of "What I Can/Want to Accomplish" rather than "What God Wants to Accomplish With Me."

I am not saying buy me a plane ticket to China with a suitcase full of Bibles. I AM saying that the planner recognizes that she needs to not plan so much and she needs to see where God wants her to go and what He wants her to do before she takes a step in any direction. Make sense?

What impressed me the most about this book was that B. Andrew relied on God to meet the needs and go the distance to see that His will and His plan was carried out. If ever there was a need that arose, it was entrusted to God. This is a man who was Spirit led. This past year I've read and thought a lot about following the Spirit. I've approached it theologically, thoughtfully and tried to be more discerning about who and what it is that I'm listening to when making decisions. However, God's Smuggler suddenly made things clear in a practical way. It inspired me to make a list of the things that I want (or think I do) to see happen in my life (to me and through me) and really lay that list before God and see what the plan is. I thought I was looking for Him, but I'm not certain that I really was.

I do admire the work of Brother Andrew and think he is very brave. Maybe he wouldn't say so, but it does require some courage to go about doing what he did. Some might say that it is unfortunate that in writing this book he virtually put an end to his participation in carrying the Word into various countries. Suddenly he put himself on the map and put his name in the spotlight. This automatically eliminated his ability to travel unnoticed. However, his work continues.

If you are interested in learning more about his work, you can go to Open Doors International website at:

This is also not the only book that B. Andrew wrote. I've copied and pasted the list of his other works here for your convenience:

Brother Andrew; Sherril, John; & Sherril, Elizabeth (2001). God's Smuggler. Chosen Books. ISBN 0-8007-9301-3.
Brother Andrew (1974). The Ethics of Smuggling. Tyndale House Publishers.
Brother Andrew & DeVore Williams, Susan (1990). And God changed his mind. Chosen Books. ISBN 0-8007-9272-6.
Brother Andrew; Becker, Verne (2002). The Calling. Revell. ISBN 0-8007-5838-2.
Brother Andrew & Janssen, Al (2004). Light Force. Revell. ISBN 0-8007-1872-0.
Brother Andrew; Sherril, John; Sherril, Elizabeth; featuring Jars of Clay (2001). The Narrow Road: Stories of Those Who Walk This Road Together. Baker Publishing Group. ISBN 0-8007-5793-9.
Brother Andrew & Janssen, Al (2007). Secret Believers: What Happens When Muslims Believe in Christ. Fleming H. Revell.

I'm particularly interested in reading "The Ethics of Smuggling" and his latest booked, "Secret Believers: What Happens When Muslims Believe in Christ." If anyone else out there has read either of these two books, I'd enjoy hearing about them.

Andrew has a relaxed style of writing that is personable and comprehensive. I think you will get a lot out "God's Smuggler." Again, I would encourage you to read it and thank LT for recommending it to us in the first place!


At 11:27 AM, Blogger Rose said...

Ah! Is it December already?? I haven't read this book for years, but I loved it. I agree with everything you say: it's a faith-building, challenging book. I remember being fascinated with his account of history (I first read it at about the same time I read The Hiding Place, which, incidentally, John & Elizabeth Sherrill also helped Corrie Ten Boom to write.)

His conversion and his changed nature was so dramatic. I appreciated his honesty and the strength of his convictions. There was a lot of humour in the book, too. I loved the way he prayed for a wife, and immediately God brought the right one to mind.

At 7:01 AM, Blogger Laura said...

Loved your review! I read this many, many years ago when I was a teen and reading your review made me remember how much I enjoyed this book and several others like it. I'm glad to know it's still in print, and hope others will be encouraged by your post to go and read it.

At 6:06 PM, Blogger Carol Ann Weaver said...

Hi Carrie, I found my way to your blog! We have some things in common. LOL! I do photos and read books.

I have Lightforce by Brother Andrew if you ever want to borrow it (since you live so close!)

At 3:38 PM, Blogger pam said...

I read "Secret Believers" and was disappointed only because it was about the same people in "Operation Desert Light" only without all the drama, yes drama but without the history, the college, the story of the bus taking innocet people to the side of the mountain.
One person could read "Secret Believers" another " Operation Desert Light" difference. They both read about the same people, but one read about war crimes and changes in history.


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