Monday, January 09, 2006

The Iliad

"Even so, harken ye also, for better it is to harken."
Though I have read this before I always get a kick out of it. I understand it's inspiration to writers, artists and archeologists but I just love rolling the words off my tongue as they form quite grotesque sentences and a very in depth story. Slewing and blood are on every page as are heartfelt you-have offended-me-I-shall-slay-you-and-all-yours speeches. And there seems to be alot of lust among those Greeks, Trojans and gods. And I love horses so there is that element to feed my imagination on.
All in all entertaining but I have to make myself sit down and read it. It's not one of those books that I can easily ingulf myself in as I do laundry, watch the boys, feed everyone and keep the house clean. Dorothy Sayers on the other hand...


At 1:20 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

HAHA....thanks for the post. I can't imagine that it's my type of literature, but I'm going to give it a go. Library is on the menu tonight (I think).

At 6:43 PM, Blogger "Nick" said...

If you have the Penguin version, read the introduction by Bernard Fox... WOW.

Interesting book. Great story, alot more to it than I thought.

At 6:38 AM, Blogger Sky said...

Now I have to look for the introduction by Bernard Fox!

At 8:23 AM, Blogger return home gnome said...

This is my third read through (nerdy, I know) and I decided to try a different translation this time (Penguin, I think but don't remember now). I liked it, but not as much as the others; some of the repeated phrases weren't as immaginative. "Dawn with her rose red fingers..." and all that. :)
I always enjoy this book, but it is quite a slog. Ready to be done with it. Just a hundred pages left or so! I can certainly understand why people find it inspiring; one of the great, truly defining epics. Certainly makes me want to go out and fight for what I believe in. If only they were so noble though...

At 5:00 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

WHEW! Ok -- SO GLAD to be done with this! Blood guts and not much else! I cant' figure out for the life of me why any human being would WANT to believe in Zeus. He's really quite powerless. All the parts about the gods were fascinating because I kept thinking about how silly they all were. I have a very hard time imaging people buying the idea of serving them.

The rest of it...."His spear pierced his shoulder and blood spurted . . . blah, blah, blah . . . the spear peirced his helmet and his brain exploded . . . blah, blah blah . . . pierced between his (you-know) and naval . . . spewing clots." That's all QUITE revolting! YYuuuuUUUUuuck.

But I did it! I read it! And I think that alone shoudl serve as Dan's wedding gift in retaliation....

At 8:09 PM, Blogger quizwedge said...

roflol. You're a good sport. I'm quite surprised my suggestion made it through. Unfortunately, I've been entirely too busy and preoccupied to do much reading of anything. Of course, since reading falls way down on my list of things to do anyway...

Don't worry, Carrie, I live nearby a Chick Fil-A. I'll get you directions to the Chick Fil-A and we'll call it even for you reading The Iliad.

At 8:26 AM, Blogger Carrie said...

I FORGOT about the Chick fil A. Thank HEAVENS for the reminder. Yes, I would call that even.

Oh? Were you buying? ;) (kidding)


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