Wednesday, February 08, 2006


The American Christian Fiction Writer's home base! Perhaps we should all submit something for the Genesis Contest.

On a related note, I remember talk at one time of a few of us trying our own hands at some writing. I write a little more along the Annie Dillard lines (I flatter myself, excuse me; I would like to think I write like Annie Dillard). I would like to request we start some writing, here, now. Not too much, I know we're all busy.

But that's why God gave us coffee.

Because life is too short.


At 7:06 AM, Blogger Carrie said...

Behold! And no one responds!

Well, I'm still not opposed to this. I still have no idea what to write about. If I ever come up with something, I'll write it down.

How does one go about trying to write? Just by doing it?

At 1:45 PM, Blogger return home gnome said...

I'm not sure how one goes about starting....

But I think we should anyway...

At 10:16 AM, Blogger return home gnome said...

So have you all started yet? I'm brainstorming plots.... not getting very far!! :-)
But still brainstorming!


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